Committing to coaching is the beginning of getting to know your optimal self.
What is your “optimal self”?
Your optimal self is the absolute best, most authentic, and empowered version of who you are now. It is the version of you that is excited to wake up and pursue a new day, the one that has passion and zest for simply being alive. Your optimal self is already within you, but has not yet been given the opportunity to surface.
When you imagine the optimal version of yourself, what do they look like? What do they feel like- emotionally, physically, spiritually? What have they achieved? Where are they? Who are they surrounded by, and what kind of relationships do they have? What does their relationship with self look like? How do they differ from who you are now?
Coaching allows you to get a clear, concise idea of what your optimal self is.
They actually help you get there! Coaching closes the gap between where you are now and where you aspire to be.
The best part? They keep you accountable!
How many of us have been motivated enough to start a journey of self improvement but then quit before real results start to develop? A lot of us.
It is so easy to quit. Quitting is not going to get you anywhere except exactly where you are now. If you quit every time you try to achieve change, you will remain stagnant. Change is natural, and it is the only way to grow. Embrace change and you will grow with more ease, resist it and the rigidity of life will create difficulties beyond measure.
Once you commit to positive change with a Coach, you have someone that will stick you to your own word. The “talk” suddenly becomes reality, and things you say you want to do become a part of your current life, not just the imagined and undated future.
A Coach works WITH you.
You have all the answers within you. Sometimes you just need help navigating through your own mind to find those answers. A Coach is professionally trained to work WITH you to find your vision, discover inevitable obstacles, and create the best path for you to reach your maximum potential. There is no one size fits all solution to make a life great, which is why coaching is so in-depth and personalized. A Coach works with you to discover a completely unique approach that is perfect for guiding who you are now to becoming who you want to be.
Research shows the benefits of getting a Coach!
Studies have concluded that committing to coaching reduces stress, improves social connection, emotional regulation, and self-efficacy. The study also reported increases in life purpose, work satisfaction, and resilience! There are undoubtedly many more incredible benefits of coaching, which have not been measured in scientific research studies yet.
Potential benefits of working with a coach include:
Improved mental health
Improved physical fitness/wellness
Better stress management
More balance in life
Clearer life direction
Increased motivation
Higher self-esteem
Improved productivity and time management skills
A more positive mindset
This is just a short list of the infinite possible improvements that come from getting a Coach. Coaching can also improve your emotional intelligence, financial skills, and overall learning capabilities. A Coach supports you, provides valuable resources, and opens you to new possibilities.
A Coach is NOT a Therapist
While therapists focus more on the past and the “why” behind behavior, Coaches focus more on the future and the “how” to move forward. Coaches prioritize growth. The past may play a role in discussing potential obstacles that could appear, but its relevance in coaching is quite limited. This is because a Coach is focused on where you want to be and how to really get there.
There must be a SHIFT in the mind of the Coach and the Coachee.
In order to make a big difference in who you are, you must shift your mind to prepare to become that person. Both the Coach and the Coachee will begin to focus on pursuing that growth. The Coach must have the same vision as the Coachee so that they can work together to pursue something great.
Once you change your MIND, you change your LIFE!
The shift of the mind is the first, and often greatest, step in the coaching journey. Once you truly achieve a shift in the mind, other things in life begin to align to complement your new state. According to neuroscience research, a shift in your mind will change your neural circuitry. Your thoughts change the patterns in your brain. This is incredibly relevant when it comes to cultivating positivity. When you shift your mind to focus on positivity and gratitude, your neural “fingerprint” reflects that change, making it easier to think and perceive positively. This concept applies to any sort of mind you want to shift to, that could be a mind that is more productive, intelligent, confident, healthy, successful, balanced, the list goes on and on!
Shifting your mind is definitely no easy feat, but it is undoubtedly achievable with the help of a Coach! A Mindset Coach will help you shift your mind and then change your life entirely. Your mind paints everything in life, and ultimately creates your reality. Take advantage of this and create the life you have always wanted!
So why not get a coach?
You must be honest with yourself and discover if you really want to commit to self improvement and growth. Many people hold themselves back because they are scared of change, scared of removing themselves from the “comfort zone” because there is now the possibility of failure. This will result in self-sabotage during the attempt to change. You will fail and not understand why. Fear must be overcome by an inner desire for more.
If you are ready for more, to get to that next level and reach your optimal self, then make the decision to get a Coach! It will expedite your journey and provide incredible value, I promise.